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The Full Story
History of Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 226
Mount Lebanon Lodge is one of two lodges located in Lebanon County just to the east of the City of Lebanon. Our meetings are held on the third Thursday of the month, except July and August, starting at 7:00 pm.
In 1847 eight Members of the former Mt. Lebanon Lodge No. 172 Petitioned the Grand Lodge for a new Warrant. The Warrant of Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 226, Free and Accepted Masons, was issued by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania under the date of December 27, 1847, by Peter Fritz, Right Worshipful Grand Master of Pennsylvania.
The Lodge was constituted on January 31, 1848, at three o’clock in the afternoon. Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master Benjamin Parke, installed the officers of the lodge.
Meetings were held in what was then the Reidners Building opposite the old courthouse at 8th and Cumberland Streets. In 1850, the new Lodge Hall called the United Hall was occupied located at 31 North Ninth Street.
The Washington Monument in our Nation’s Capitol contains a natural marble stone of Mt. Lebanon No. 226, Lebanon, Pa. The stone which is dated 1851, is on the eleventh level at 130 ft.
April 25, 1900, the Lodge Meetings were moved on the third floor of the building located on the Southeast Corner of Ninth and Willow Streets, known as the Shirk Building. On September 26, 1929 the first Stated Meeting of the Lodge was held in the newly acquired hall at 127 North 8th Street, Lebanon, PA.
In 2008 the building on North Eighth Street was sold in preparation for a new lodge building. The Masonic Temple Association of Lebanon purchased land on South Fourteenth Ave across from Avon Park for the development and construction of the new Lebanon Masonic Center. On Saturday, December 11, 2010, at 10:00 am, the official groundbreaking for the new Masonic Temple took place.
On Thursday, March 15, 2012, Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 226 held it’s first stated meeting in the new building. On Saturday, May 5, 2012, a beautiful sunny day in Lebanon, the cornerstone laying, followed by the dedication of the lodge room, took place at 10:00 am led by Right Worshipful Grand Master Jay W. Smith.
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